**Explore Skopje in Style: Rent a Vespa with “Rent a Vespa by Picnic”**


If you’re planning a visit to Skopje, Macedonia, and want an exciting way to tour the city, consider renting a Vespa from “Rent a Vespa by Picnic.” Located conveniently at Kiril i Metodij 36 in Skopje city center, our rental service offers you the opportunity to discover Skopje’s beauty and charm on two wheels. Here’s everything you need to know:

**Why Choose a Vespa?**
A Vespa isn’t just a scooter; it’s an experience. Feel the wind in your hair as you zip through Skopje’s streets, effortlessly navigating its historic sites and modern attractions.


**Where to Rent**
Visit us at “Rent a Vespa by Picnic” at Kiril i Metodij 36 in Skopje city center to rent your Vespa. We provide well-maintained Vespas and friendly service to ensure you have a memorable ride.

**Cost and Requirements**
Rental rates vary based on the Vespa model and duration of rental. You’ll need a valid driver’s license and, in some cases, a credit card for the security deposit. Ask us about insurance coverage and any additional fees.

**Recommended Routes**
Once you have your Vespa, embark on a memorable journey through Skopje:

1. **Old Bazaar and Kale Fortress**: Start by exploring the historic Old Bazaar, then ride up to Kale Fortress for panoramic views of the city.

2. **Matka Canyon**: Head to Matka Canyon for a scenic ride along the Treska River and consider a boat tour or hike.

3. **Vodno Mountain**: Ride up Vodno Mountain to visit the Millennium Cross and enjoy stunning views of Skopje.

**Safety Tips**
Safety is our priority. Familiarize yourself with local traffic rules, wear a helmet, and ride responsibly. Keep your belongings secure and be mindful of pedestrians and other road users.

Renting a Vespa from “Rent a Vespa by Picnic” adds excitement to your Skopje adventure. Whether you’re exploring solo or with friends and family, our Vespas provide a unique way to see the city. Don’t miss out—rent a Vespa and discover Skopje in style!



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